I was born a full moon,
No gaps,
No room for any mishaps,
As I grew older I began waxing and waning,
Slowly realizing the cycle is forever changing,
Noticing the replenishment of each part,
But also the draining,
And just like the moon I have felt the negative space,
But each time the emptiness gave space for a new face,
Each face teaching me how to embrace,
Embrace the fact that I am just like the moon,
Some phases of life must be vacant,
Vacant to become full again,
But only if you are patient.
My name is Madalynn Baker, I am a Sophomore attending West Clermont High School. I am submitting two poems: Facade, Cycling; for consideration. Poetry is my outlet and has been for the past two years. I have a busy schedule and live in a world that is always spinning. Poetry is my escape from, endless babysitting gigs, honors courses in school, and my part time job at a pharmaceutical company. I write for others and about others, writing has become my confessional. I have burnt houses down in search of myself, and through my words learnt that I am still worth searching for.